Sunday, March 8, 2015

REVIEW: Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes

Gathering Darkness (Falling Kingdoms, #3)

In GATHERING DARKNESS, book three of the New York Times bestselling Falling Kingdoms series, the stakes have never been higher as three teams push forward on a race to find the Kindred, the four elemental crystals possessing ancient all-powerful magic, first:

Prince Magnus has just witnessed torture, death, and miracles during the bloody confrontation that decimated the rebel forces. Now he must choose between family and justice as his father, the cruel King Gaius, sets out to conquer all of Mytica. All Gaius needs now are the Kindred - the four elemental crystals that give godlike powers to their owner. But the King of Blood is not the only one hunting for this ancient, storied magic...

• THE KRAESHIANS join the hunt. Ashur and Amara, the royal siblings from the wealthy kingdom across the Silver Sea, charm and manipulate their way to the Kindred, proving to be more ruthless than perhaps even the King of Blood himself.

• THE REBELS forge ahead. Princess Cleo and vengeful Jonas lead them, slaying with sweetness, skill, and a secret that can control Lucia's overpowering magic - all so they can use the Kindred to win back their fallen kingdoms.

• THE WATCHERS follow Melenia out of the Sanctuary. They ally in the flesh with King Gaius, who vows to use Lucia's powers to unveil the Kindred.

The only certainty in the dark times is that whoever finds the magic first will control the fate of Mytica... but fate can be fickle when magic is involved.


When I read Falling Kingdoms, I thought it was amazing, but I didn't love it. Now, after reading Rebel Spring and this book, I am quite happy to say that this series has become one of my all-time favorite fantasy series.

In all fantasy books, the world is extraordinarily important. If the world is not well-developed, then, really, the book will be a confusing mess. This series, though, the world is so complex, vivid, and very dark! I can really imagine myself within Mythica! And the history of these countries are well explained are actually major parts of the story, this becoming clearer and clearer as the series goes on.

This series has a very large cast of characters and, much like the world, all of them are well-developed. I lost track of how many perspectives there were in this book, but it's more than the last few books. But this makes perfect sense for the book and it was very easy to follow! The most interesting fact about the characters is that they all have flaws and the line between good and bad is a blur. Many of the different characters see other characters as enemies, which makes it very hard to differentiate who is good and who is bad. For some reason, I loved this!

The character relationships are very tense. It is very hard to trust anyone in this environment, so many of the relationships are full of distrust. For good reason, as they are also full of betrayals and twists! One other thing is romance. This is not a romantic series, at all, but there are a full romantic relationships. These are so very confusing (but I loved it, of course. I loved pretty much everything about this book) because, with all the betrayals and worse, you have no clue if this is an actual romance or a fling. I really had a hard time shipping things! Though, I now have my mind set on a new ship...

I really cannot stress how much I love and recommend this series! Really, I think this book was the best so far in the series! I am very much looking forward to the next book and the spin-off series coming out this summer!

I hereby give this book
5 Wheels

Meaning: A new favorite!

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